We gather the thoughts, We talk to professionals

  1. #WeTalkToProfessionals

    We learn as we play

    – April 2022

    On April 27, we experienced a board meeting simulation at Together, a social-profit association dedicated to the hosting of migrants in Brussels. At the end of the meeting, we debriefed on success factors, pitfalls, complexity of the topics, and time management… all issues we are regularly confronted with.

  2. #WeGatherTheThoughts

    Challenging auditors and resolving conflict

    – April 2022

    Set the goal of challenging auditors to better understand their work and improve the overall quality of their certification. This is one of the roles of the audit committee as outlined by the Financial Reporting Council (UK) in a January 2022 study.

    This study, which gives the floor to a wide range of Audit Committee Chairs, is particularly interesting because it is qualitative. Let us focus on one of the chapters: Challenging auditors and resolving conflicts. (See at the bottom of the article the link to the study).

How? What?

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