Who We Are

Governeo is a virtual network of advisers serving directors who work in the world of corporations, public institutions and foundations. Governeo is also connected with business associations, consultancy firms and researchers in the field of governance.

What We Do

Governeo encourages the sharing of expertise and good practices for boards of directors and audit committees in particular. Governeo promotes collective intelligence through the exchange of experiences, business advice, role-play and immersion.

Values at the heart of Governeo

  • Diversity

    Governeo promotes diversity of perspectives. We know that difference is a lever for change.

  • Sharing

    Governeo encourages dialogue with others. We believe in collective intelligence.

  • Commitment

    Governeo is a network of high achievers. We are curious, humble and determined.

Our Vision

Today, companies experience a major societal, digital and organizational revolution. In the wake of corporate change, boards of directors and audit committees are invited to speed up their transformation towards greater relevance, agility and impact.

Our Mission

Governeo’s mission is to work with and for directors to improve their understanding of audit committee issues in our “VUCA” world. Governeo supports the audit committee’s transformation process through the implementation of some tailor-made learning techniques which are both participatory and engaging.