We gather the thoughts, We talk to professionals

  1. #WeGatherTheThoughts

    What really counts

    – August 2020

    In this period of pandemic, the financial statements of companies are shaken by a real storm. However, in analyzing the balance sheet and profit and loss account, are boards and audit committees focusing on everything that really counts?

  2. #WeGatherTheThoughts

    We did not see it coming

    – July 2020

    The arrival and subsequent impact of the current coronavirus crisis has taken many organizations and states unawares. This phenomenon can be best explained as the appearance of a metaphorical “black swan”. The theory goes that human beings will assume that, because all the swans they have seen in their life are white, all swans must be white …

  3. #WeTalkToProfessionals

    INSEAD Webinar

    – June 2020

    Are our boards and companies resilient today? That was the theme of the zoom-apero organized by Jean-Charles Uyttenhove and Xavier with the INSEAD IN-Board Academy. Luc de Brabandère closed the session by saying “systems are fine, but people are wonderdul”.

  4. #WeTalkToProfessionals

    INSEAD Webinar

    – May 2020

    Herman Daems, Chairman of the Board of BNP Paribas Fortis, was invited on May 13 by Xavier to lead an INSEAD webinar on “Managing the board in a time of crisis”.

How? What?

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